Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Well, the sinus stuff continues, but I do feel better and have had so many blessings during this time, I should not  complain.  Thanks be to God for people who care and don't judge.
And that word--judge--is something I've been thinking about a lot lately.  It seems like there  is more judging going on in our world today....I judge you; you judge me--and the truth is, we BOTH lose.
God is truly the ONLY one who should judge.
And yes, I know it's difficult not to judge.
I am guilty of it myself.
"Love not only your neighbors, but your enemies...love them, pray for them, do not persecute them" Jesus says.
It's not easy.
But the more I am able to suspend judgment, the more I am able to accomplish in Christ.
And the less stress I experience in my life because I am not worrying about judging others and therefore not getting all worked up and fuming and steaming and about ready to burst!
Peace, deep peace, comes when we understand that we can work for justice without judging those who are unjust.
Peace, deep peace, comes when we give our anger and frustration and sense of betrayal and hurt over to God and let God handle it.
So, I'm going to try again...and again...and...well, you get the idea.
I will speak the truth I know and understand from God.  I will not be silent unless God tells me to be silent.  But, I will also try not to judge the person even as I am naming the injustice.
May all of us find peace.
May all of us be a part in creating peace in our world.

1 comment:

  1. Testing to see if you this comment section is working.....Tina
