Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today, as I was doing my prayer and meditation work, a passage from Ralph Marston's Daily Motivator pierced my heart.  I share it with you:

When you step forward, you will occasionally encounter disappointment. However, if you never step forward, your whole life will be a disappointment.
Disappointment happens, and yet it never has to stop you. Disappointment, as painful as it may be, is a normal part of a rich, successful and fulfilled life.
[If you want to read more, go to greatday.com]

As I was reading this, I had to ask myself, "How often have I been afraid to step forward" and therefore I missed something truly amazing?
And I so loved his statement that disappointment "never has to stop you".  It has sometimes in my own life although not as much as I've gotten older.  But I would pose the question to my friends out there---Do you let disappointment stop you?
There are so many parts of life, why do we spend so much time on the negative ones?  Pain, sorrow, disappointment, fear, struggle.
Even in these  moments, there is joy to find...there is learning...there is growing and there is GOD.
God doesn't want your whole life to be a disappointment.
God doesn't want you to stop when you get disappointed.
God doesn't always want you to "play it safe".
True, God doesn't encourage activity that is hurtful to you or to another.
But there are RISKS God asks us to take.

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