I am preparing for the Lenten season--for Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and then, finally, Easter. And I always find myself a bit melancholy during this time of year. Many of the days are grey and there is still more coldness to look forward to before the beauty of new life.
The news seems more bleak in these days....death, poverty, joblessness, senseless waste, war, angry words spoken between people who SAY they respect one another, hunger, lonliness, and the feeling that perhaps, this year, it will be too much.
Into this place there come flashes:
memories of laughter with friends;
glimpses of bright color in summer tops and shorts and garden hats;
the stoking of the flame and the warmth that comes when we build up the fire;
pictures of loved ones--here and here before;
pictures of silly days and goofy looks and carefree moments;
pictures of a loving God-----
clothed in the garb of green in the new leaves coming forth from the ground and in sun that stays just a little longer each day;
pictures of other years and other days when we were held in the beauty of our loving God and just watched clouds drift in blue skies;
the sounds of children coming home from school and dogs barking their "welcome homes"
pictures of a child tasting a new, sweet fruit for the first time and the smiles that come.
smells of the ground turned over for planting and the first, fresh, new onions from the garden.
Christ has come. Christ is here. Christ will come again. And we, like many years, will dance and sing and celebrate his resurrection and our own. For Spring is coming. And life is good.
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