After surviving the stomach/intestinal flu, it is such a blessing to have food taste like food...small but very important blessings.
So many wonderful people in such need of prayers and God's healing......I'm reminded how many different kinds of healing are needed in the world....physical and spiritual and psychological and end to abuse and neglect and hunger and war....a return to civility and a new sense of respect for one another as God's holy children...
This has been another day of awakening and reminders of the truly important things in life.
I thank you God and ask you to bless all the people I know with a feeling that I've just sent them a big hug and prayers for your presence with them.
Prayer takes many do you need to pray today?
Prayer crosses many boundaries.....where do you need to build a bridge today?
Prayer hopes for the impossible and believes it becomes possible.....what impossible dream do you need to happen today?
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