Tuesday, March 13, 2012

God blesses us in so many different ways......today was a great example for me.
We had a MAGNIFICENT day of weather here---a May day in the middle of March.
My daffodils are blooming and look so beautiful.
Bible study was fun and interesting and energizing.
I had a great lunch with some volunteers at the church...good food and good conversation.
My dog welcomed me home with extra vigor today and he and I sat outside early this evening and enjoyed the world around us.
I'm reading 2 challenging books and listening to a healing book on CD.
I was able to get quite a bit accomplished work-wise and to talk to some folks who haven't been feeling well and who are now doing much better.
See---to me, all of those are blessings from God.  And I didn't even list all of them.
Have you ever kept a gratitude journal or a blessing book?
I think, sometimes, we don't even see the blessings around us unless we look intentionally at the world and the people in our lives.
So.....try it.  Look for blessings.  Look for good things.  Look for God.
I can promise you will be amazed and grateful!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Thoughts of Spring


New Life.

What needs to die so that something new may live?
What needs to live that is now just lying in wait?

Infinite Grace,
Infinite Possibilities.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Well, Don't You Think You're Something Special

I was in one of the larger medical buildings in Peoria.  Lots of different offices and several floors.  When I arrived, there were several folks being helped out of an accessible bus and heading for the elevators.  Some of them seemed to have physical difficulties--even in wheel chairs.  Some of them seemed to have developmental challenges.  One young man kept punching the elevator buttons over and over and over and laughing so gleefully as he did.  
A man, not related to the group, walked up and said in a very harsh voice, "Stop that!!"
The boy stopped, put his head down and began to cry.
I looked at the man who was looking at the folks with disdain and revulsion and I just could not stop myself....I said, "Are you a Christian?"
He said, quite surprised, "What?!?"
I said, "Are you a Christian?"
He said, "Well, not that it is any of your business, but yes."
I said, "How surprising!  Everything you've done so far would indicate that you are not.  The way you look at these folks, treat them, and talk to me certainly doesn't sound like anything I've ever read Jesus do in the scriptures."
The elevator opened and the man pushed past the folks and got in the elevator---not allowing ANY one else join him and said, "Well don't you just think you're something special?!!!" and made sure the elevator doors closed.
By this time one of the staff or volunteers had come in and asked what happened and the young man that had been playing with the elevator buttons looked right at the two of us with a great big grin and said, "Well the mean 'ol devil came in this building but the angel lady wouldn't let him be mean and so he went off to look for somebody else to be mean to!!"
Ok....so.........yes, it was a good day!
But in answer to the man's question:  No, I don't think I'm something special---but I did think those folks were pretty special...God's precious creations...beautiful as they are.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring Cleaning

First, I want to thank Randie for helping me freshen my blog site and clear up a couple of problems.
Second, those who would like to comment should now be able to without any problem....we think we got that worked out.
Third, just a reminder....this is my personal blog.  It is not necessarily endorsed or supported by the churches I serve and the opinions here are my opinions...not anyone elses.

Now that the got the housecleaning chores done, I'm thinking about Spring cleaning....
Why do we clean in the Spring?  Is it because everything has been closed in tight during the winter and we feel the need to let the germs out?  Or the fresh air in?  Or both?
Why is it that traditionally we go "from top to bottom and clean every inch of the place we live"?  Why not bottom to top?  And why every inch---does every inch of where you live REALLY need cleaning?

I think these practices, done with deliberateness and prayerfully, could actually be holy moments of Lent preparing for Easter.  Our Lord cleanses those who are unclean.  He makes us whole from top to toes---from brain saying yes to feet walking forward in faith.  We celebrate new life, new beginnings, fresh air from God and we celebrate them in the Spring--on Easter. 

It is truly awesome that we can examine our spiritual "houses"--our lives, our routines, our habits, our faith, and we can clean out during Lent so that we have room and space for new life in Christ.  God is so very, very good!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Well, the sinus stuff continues, but I do feel better and have had so many blessings during this time, I should not  complain.  Thanks be to God for people who care and don't judge.
And that word--judge--is something I've been thinking about a lot lately.  It seems like there  is more judging going on in our world today....I judge you; you judge me--and the truth is, we BOTH lose.
God is truly the ONLY one who should judge.
And yes, I know it's difficult not to judge.
I am guilty of it myself.
"Love not only your neighbors, but your enemies...love them, pray for them, do not persecute them" Jesus says.
It's not easy.
But the more I am able to suspend judgment, the more I am able to accomplish in Christ.
And the less stress I experience in my life because I am not worrying about judging others and therefore not getting all worked up and fuming and steaming and about ready to burst!
Peace, deep peace, comes when we understand that we can work for justice without judging those who are unjust.
Peace, deep peace, comes when we give our anger and frustration and sense of betrayal and hurt over to God and let God handle it.
So, I'm going to try again...and again...and...well, you get the idea.
I will speak the truth I know and understand from God.  I will not be silent unless God tells me to be silent.  But, I will also try not to judge the person even as I am naming the injustice.
May all of us find peace.
May all of us be a part in creating peace in our world.